Thursday, October 9, 2014

What Are the Foods That Lower Blood Glucose Levels?

To know that you are a diabetic can be very frustrating. However, if you will just cry at the corner of your room and feel sorry for yourself because you are aware that there is a threat to your health will not help you at all. Of course, there is something that you can do to naturally treat yourself from the disease and you can do it by taking in foods that lower blood glucose levels everyday.

There are meal plans which are specially designed for diabetic patients like you to lower the sugar content. You can get these plans from a diet center by enrolling yourself to the program. Your doctor can also provide you with these diabetic diet plans and you will need to consult him or her first before you can be provided with them. Free information can also be obtained from the internet. There are various websites that post meal plans for diabetics and you can make use of them to improve your health condition.

These meal plans are intended to regulate one's blood glucose levels. By observing such types of diet, you will be able to live a normal life in spite of the presence of the disease in you. They are usually the foods that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. The fiber in food in fact, helps the pancreas produce more insulin which will control blood sugar levels naturally. The best examples of foods that are rich in fiber are onions and garlic. Including the right dosage of fresh foods and vegetables can help lower blood sugar levels as well.

Processed foods should be avoided as much as possible. Aside from the fact that most of them contain high glucose levels, they may also contain huge amount of MSG and preservatives which are hazardous to the health. For this reason, it is much advisable to eat freshly cooked foods and not those that are packed in cans, tetras and the like.

Aside from watching the diet menu for diabetes that you eat, you should also be cautious about what you drink. Drinking stuffs like sodas or soft drinks and others will only worsen your condition. If you are diabetic, you should avoid these types of drinks because they contain a lot of glucose, carbon and other chemicals that can affect your body and blood glucose in a lot of negative ways. Instead, you should take in healthy drinks and natural juices that are made from carrots, vegetables, coconut and other healthy stuffs to lower blood glucose levels. Drinking tea, especially green tea, will also help in lowering excess glucose in your blood, aside from the fact that it can flush out those unwanted toxins.

The foods that lower blood glucose levels are almost the same as those that will make you lose excess weight. And whatever can make you gain weight are also those that you should avoid. Observing these diet menus will not only benefit you as a diabetic but they will also help you gain a better health condition in general.

Natural Diabetes Cure - Can I Cure Diabetes Without Having Allopathic Medicines?

Diabetes can also be cured or prevented without having any allopathic medicines. This can be done by following the natural therapies. The normal natural treatment plan will help in reducing the diabetes risks.

There are several ways to cure natural diabetes. They are:

Bitter gourd or bitter melon juice reduces diabetes. This is due to the plant insulin present in the bitter gourd juice. This juice should be taken before having any food and probably twice a day. Soaking cinnamon sticks in the tea will reduce sugar level. Taking half teaspoon of cinnamon in a day will prevent diabetes.

By eating daily freshly crushed raw garlic 3 to 4 grams in a day lowers down the blood sugar. Mix a pure turmeric powder in fresh amla juice (that is Indian goose berry) and have it in empty stomach. The powder of jamun seed or Indian blackberry seeds is also very good for diabetes. You need to take one forth teaspoon with one teaspoon of honey together for 2 months.

Exercise: It is a great benefit for diabetics and will help in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Regular physical exercise will help in reducing obesity, improve insulin sensitivity, improve circulation, reduces the blood sugar level, etc. Doing asanas such as Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Paschimottasana will be beneficial for diabetic patients. There are several Nutritional supplements that every diabetic should take on daily basis. This will help to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, reduce cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure, gives energy. It will also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Types of juices: Juices such as rose apple, tomato, carrot, spinach, cabbage, cucumber, and French bean, will act as a medicine to reduce the diabetes as well as blood sugar level. Bitter gourd is especially rich in all the essential vitamins as well as minerals. Vitamins such as A, B1, B2, C and iron are beneficial for diabetics.

Magnate therapy: The strong magnate has two poles, North Pole and South Pole. Both these poles should be placed side by side on the middle of the back. Merely for 45 to 60 minutes. This should be done once or twice in a day.

There are several other measures. The eatable should be chewed at least 15 times to control diabetes. You should take diet properly. Don't miss any meals. Swimming, jogging, physical exercises are recommended to control diabetes for any one.

A Million Dollar Question - Can Exercise Cure Diabetes?

Can exercise cure diabetes? This is a question which is often asked by people. Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes.  There is a way, however, to manage this disease so patients can live a normal life.  The key is exercise.  Exercise can play a vital role in keeping the disease under control.

Exercise Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels
During exercise, the muscles absorb glucose for energy.  This causes a lowering of the blood glucose (sugar) levels. The reduction of glucose levels creates a natural treatment for diabetes.  It is important to note that exercise that is too strenuous may have the opposite affect of increasing blood glucose levels, which can be harmful to diabetics.  The key is to find the type of exercise that will work best for the patient and to do this exercise at levels that are not harmful.

Lower Rate of Cardiovascular Disease
Studies have shown that exercise has a positive impact on blood pressure, cholesterol, and glycemia.  This significantly reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease, which leads to the death of many diabetic patients.    So, although exercise cannot really cure diabetes, it can definitely prevent some life threatening symptoms in diabetic patients.

Weight Loss
Exercise also helps in the reduction of body fat.  This is important for individuals that suffer from type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by a reduction in the sensitivity to insulin.  Weight loss has a proven effect of increasing insulin sensitivity and  improving the efficiency of insulin production in the body.  Reversing problems with insulin sensitivity may be as close as we can get with regard to a cure for type 2 diabetes.  Many overweight people originally diagnosed with type 2 diabetes no longer experience diabetic symptoms once they shed the excess pounds.

An Improved Sense of Well-Being
The psychological benefits of exercise also have a profound impact on diabetics.  The endorphins released by exercise create an improved sense of well-being.  This increasingly positive outlook is accompanied by a desire to work toward a better physical, mental, and emotional state.  The result is a stronger commitment to engaging in the daily habits that are necessary to gain control over this disease and manage its symptoms. Patients begin to eat better, feel better, look better, and live better.  This doesn't imply that exercise is a cure for diabetes but it definitely illustrates how exercise can have the power to bring about a newer and brighter phase in the patient's life.

Diabetics Can Benefit from a Variety of Exercises
Exercises that improve cardiovascular health are ideal for diabetic patients.  These include walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, roller blading, etc.  Walking is recommended more than any other exercise because it is not too strenuous and can be done for a longer duration without exhausting the patient. Strength Training is also great for those suffering from diabetes because it will aid in the burning of fat and building of lean muscle mass, which is necessary for controlling insulin sensitivity.  Additionally, yoga, pilates, tai chi, qi gong and other types of mind/body/spirit disciplines will also help tremendously with managing diabetes.

So for anyone posing the question "can exercise cure diabetes?", it is important to understand that exercise can only help you manage the disease.  Nevertheless, management of the disease may lead to the complete elimination of all known symptoms of diabetes.  This is as close to a cure as anyone can get.  If you suffer from diabetes, you should begin incorporating exercise into your lifestyle as soon as possible.  Start by determining which exercise regimen will be the most enjoyable for you, as well as help you to meet your goals in the safest way possible.  Be sure to consult a physician before starting any exercise program.  Furthermore, monitoring your blood sugar levels before and after exercising is a must.  You need to educate yourself on how to determine when it is safe for you to exercise so you do not put yourself in any danger.

Diabetic Diet: How Lemon and Lemon Water Can Help Cure Diabetes

I started buying fresh lemons by the bag after I found out how they can help cure diabetes. They are quite literally a miracle from Mother Nature! I have always loved fresh lemon but now I make an extra effort to eat lots of them. In fact, I believe lemons should be an important staple in every diabetic diet.

Lemon Lowers the Glycemic Index of Other Foods

Research has shown that lemon lowers the glycemic index of any food it is added to. And... we are not talking a few points here. The drop is very significant! To benefit from this, all you have to do is add a little squeeze of fresh lemon over your food. Almost like waving a magic wand, this will instantly lower the glycemic index of your meal. Best of all, lemon is such an excellent flavor enhancer, it makes many foods taste better too. I often add a squeeze of fresh lemon to a hot bowl of soup (yum!), casseroles, stove top goulashes, almost any kind of salad (including salads containing fruit), and sauteed vegetables (especially greens!). Anything with chicken or fish of course tastes especially good with lemon. Please note that it is best to add the fresh lemon right before you eat the food. If you cook it in soup, for example, it can become a little bitter and the health benefits won't be quite as great.

Have A Glass of Lemon Water First Thing In the Morning

A glass of lemon water is the perfect way for a diabetic to start the day. Most people start their day with coffee (very acidic) and food that shift the pH of the body toward the acid side. However, if you shift the pH back toward the alkaline side, you will notice your blood sugar will go down. Moreover, your cell membranes will become more sensitive to insulin - i.e. you will be LESS insulin resistant. In fact, this will actually aid your body in repairing those damaged cell membranes.

Although lemons contain a weak acid, when they are metabolized by the body they have an alkalizing effect. If fact, they are the strongest alkalizing food you can eat! This is why adding lemon to your diet can go a long way toward restoring the pH of your body to the alkaline side where it should be. It has been found that most diabetics have a very acidic body pH (as have cancer patients). Bringing back to the alkaline side will go a long way toward helping to cure your diabetes.

Making lemon water is very easy. Just squeeze the juice from a half lemon (or a full lemon if you are a larger person) into a glass of water, swirl it around a little, and drink it up. Do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before you have your coffee or breakfast.

Lemons Have TWICE the Vitamin C As Oranges

This was a fact that surprised me as you always hear that orange juice is so loaded with vitamin C. Well, the orange's citrus cousin has it beat with twice the vitamin C. Most people don't realize but vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant. It is important to note that vitamin taken in the form of food is MUCH better absorbed by the body than vitamin C taken in the form of a pill!

Vitamin C is at least part of the reason lemons interact with the cell membrane and make it less insulin resistant. However, vitamin C also have other very important benefits to the diabetic as well. For example, it increases the production of collagen which strengthens blood vessels. This is key since many diabetics have problems with circulation and arterial damage.

Aids In Repairing Digestion

Most diabetics have impaired digestive enzymes and lowered acidity in the stomach. This means that they don't always reap the full benefit from the nutritious food they eat. Lemon goes a long way toward curing this problem as well.

How Can You Prevent Diabetes?

Dealing with diabetes can be frustrating, so it's in your best interest to learn how you can prevent this disease. Today there is not yet a cure for this problem, so taking some steps to prevent it can be important, especially since it is the sixth top cause of death in the U.S. today. Some people deal with more risk factors than others for diabetes, but no matter your risk factors, there are some simple steps you can take to help prevent dealing with diabetes.

Keep Your Weight Down First of all, one of the most important things that you can do is to make sure you keep your weight down at a healthy level. Many people today who end up dealing with diabetes are overweight, which is a huge problem. When you are too heavy, your risk of dealing with diabetes can be drastically increased. So, work on keeping your weight at a level that is healthy for you.

Exercise Regularly Exercising on a regular basis is also important if you want to prevent dealing with diabetes. When you exercise on a regular basis, it helps to keep your weight down and can keep your blood flowing as you should. If you have family members who already have diabetes, then exercising regularly is especially important for you.

Eat Right Eating right is another thing that you can do to prevent diabetes as well. Your diet should be one that is low in sugar and fat. You should restrict the amounts of starches and glucose that you take in as well, since diabetes includes problems with the body producing or using insulin.

Have a Checkup Regularly Having a checkup regularly is important as well, since doctors can help let you know whether you have risk factors for diabetes or if you are a borderline diabetic. You should have your blood glucose measured every couple of years, especially after you get over the age of 45. This is especially important if you have a family history or diabetes or you are already overweight.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies Eating more fruits and vegetables can also help you to prevent diabetes as well. There are studies out there that actually show that the pigments that give veggies their color can help to stimulate the production of insulin in the body.

Keep Blood Pressure Down Keeping your blood pressure down is imperative if you want to prevent diabetes. Many people who have high blood pressure end up with diabetes, and if you have high blood pressure, you should work on lowering it so you can avoid dealing with diabetes.

Diabetes is a problem that is serious and that you'll definitely want to work to prevent. While you may have some of the risk factors already, you can work to prevent this from happening to you. When you eat right, exercise, keep your weight down, and have regular checkups, you can better prevent dealing with diabetes. So make sure that you follow these simple steps to help prevent diabetes in your life.


Can You Cure Diabetes Naturally?

We do not choose diabetes, it chooses us. Well this is the scenario worldwide. But in reality we choose diabetes by consumption of inappropriate foods at wrong time. You need to know which food will be best for your body. Self actualization must be present in one self which can help in keeping such diseases away. Now the fact they are present in one body you need to know how you can control or keep them under control. It is essential to take proper care when you know your body is surrounded by such deadly diseases.

Having a proper diet can help a lot in controlling diabetes. It is a misconception that changing your diet can help in reducing diabetes. Well if you continue your current diet you might not have such problems. Taking the diet at the right time is necessary. Time plays an important role in keeping the health up to mark. Time with proper diet helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Increased cholesterol levels takes place due to wrong time consumption of food and with inappropriate ingredients mixed in the diet. Reduce oil which triggers high levels of cholesterol. This can cause serious damage to your body and can help in reducing your heart beat which is not good.

Other way round is to exercise on daily basis at the right time. Exercising for half an hour is very important. It can help in burning lots of calories and unwanted fat. You also need to know which exercise should be done at what time. Stretching and running are the two best exercises which burn lots of calories in less time. A good warm up in the beginning can help in loosening your body muscles where they are free to perform. If warm up is done in proper manner your body wont feel pulled up or pain after the exercise is done.

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Can You Cure Diabetes Naturally Without Medicine?

It is a sorrowful thing that blood sugar is a life threatening disease which is fast growing. Nowadays, adult onset diabetes is very common as the disease seems to affect people even by early age of 30 to 40. It is really challenging the medical experts who are committed to research on diabetes. Though some people are of the opinion that managing diabetes is easy, there are people to threaten that there is no permanent cure for diabetes. As such, the doubt is if you can cure diabetes naturally without medicine. Here is the discussion about diabetes and self care.

Types of diabetes:

As you know, there are two types namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  Type 1 is usually seen in children acquiring by genetic transmission from the parents or from forefathers. This can be easily spotted in the family history. Type two diabetes is the most common disorder starting to affect people with aging. It is due to the weakness of the pancreas in the mechanism of insulin secretion or the inability of the insulin to convert the glucose in the blood stream into energy. In both the cases, the blood sugar level shoots up.

Can you fight diabetes?

Can you cure diabetes naturally by some means or other? In fact, there are different methods on how to cure diabetes complications without medicines. It is possible and you have more chance of recovering to normal health. Here are some secrets by following which you can be happy of recovering your normal life. The whole secret lies in the change of lifestyle. It is in your hands that you change your lifestyle by which you acquired this unfortunate disease or disorder in your bodily organs in functioning. A healthy lifestyle can change your diabetic condition. Here are some tips which are helping as natural cures for diabetes without medicine.

1. You should first minimize the intake of fat content foods and avoid completely junk foods which are very bad whatever may be your body type.
2. Since the effects of refined sugar are not good for diabetics, you should have fewer intakes of the same and should avoid soft drinks and recipes.
3. You should avoid diary products like cheese, butter cake and softy cones. Natural as well as animal fats are always bad for diabetics.
4. You should eat fresh vegetables and some fruits with fiber contents. Consuming green leafy veggies is always good. Whatever the vegetables you choose, you should eat them boiled rather than fried.  
5. Eating whole grains is always good rather than in flour form. The rich fibers in the whole grains help removing the toxins in the blood and bodily wastes easily.   
6. You should necessarily eat fruits with nuts, preferably unpeeled. Nuts are rich in fiber.
7. Regular exercises of cardio workouts like swimming, jogging and even hiking can help you prevent the disease to some extent with zero cost.

Are you sure that the tips given are all natural cures for diabetes? If you are convinced, you need not spend much money for the same. All it needs is your own effort and will power to win the goal of saying goodbye to your diabetic condition and set a model to others.

Friday, July 11, 2014

How To Cure Diabetes – Reverse Diabetes Naturally – Diabetes – Home

Do you find it increasingly difficult to cope with diabetes, a disease in which you feel trapped by?
Are you tormented by the risk of dying early from stroke and heart disease and thoughts that block your daily life as well?

Have you become tense and irritable because of weight issues that afflict you because of the medicine you take?
If your answer to any one of these question is yes, then The Diabetes Managing ebook can help you better manage your diabetes condition.
For the longest time, medical professionals in the Western world viewed diabetes as a horrible disease to be managed. This means subjecting poor patients to an endless cycle of blood glucose monitoring,dietary restrictions and medication.
There are several popular diabetes companies out there who are advertising the hell out of themselves and products. They charge thousands for diabetic meal plans, diabetes equipment and direct medical consultations. They charge thousands more to have you locked into a series of pill and insulin solutions.
Do these well-known diabetes solutions help? Often, yes. There are plenty of stories of people who see results and live well. That’s why they can continue to sell the rest of us on their Latest and Diabetes Solutions.
Not only are diabetic patients subject to this cruel regime of prickingtheir fingers daily for blood … the pills they consume will send shivers downyour spine if you REALLY knew their side effects.
There is already a good method used by people suffering from Diabetes that has been helping sufferers even reversing and better managing the condition. And you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars for it! But it’s rarely shared and you certainly won’t find companies and your doctor passing on this valuable and life changing solution.
The medical industry has led us… Read more…